Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stand up for vets

The federal government really needs to review its hiring polices. I constantly see on the news reports of another TSA worker in trouble with the law or another party employee getting stopped for DUI after spending tax payer money in a night club. Government officials who get caught with prostitutes on our dime. These are the people they are hiring. It is a joke.

Recently I applied for a federal job and they rejected me because of credit. I gave this country eight years of my life in a uniform. I never once asked for a handout, I never once complained about the long hours and the low pay. I did it because it was my duty. This country in return has a duty to men and women like me. We should be given a priority over the scumbags that they do hire. So I got a little behind in my bills, does that mean I can't sit at a metal detector? What does the credit check have to do with any part of the job?

I have been rejected by police departments all over because I didn't go to college. Four years as a Marine rifleman and four more as an Army mp makes me a lot more qualified than any punk kid with a two year degree from the local community college.

Companies all over this country are passing over veterans when they should be bending over backwards to hire us. No one has more discipline and more work ethic than someone who wore this countries uniform. We may not be the youngest or the most educated candidates, but I can guarantee we learned more in four years of service than anyone learns in four years of college.

Getting a job in this country has become a joke. I for one have had enough of the way the men and women who served America are treated. There are laws ensuring that every minority and their brother can get a job. They are working on laws to allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country and work. Where are our rights? Where is our thanks? And you geniuses in congress wonder why enlistments are down and unemployment is up. Wake up America before we become the third world.