Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare Reform

Health Care reform passed. Yay. Now can we get onto to doing something that the people of this country want? How about more jobs. We need economic reform. This bill does nothing that has not already been done for years at the local level. Barrack Obama just wants to make a name for himself and does not care for what the people want. This reform bill will do more to hurt the people of this nation than help them. Require employers to provide healthcare for employees all they will do is cut jobs. The government will provide assistance to people who can not afford medical insurance? How? With what money? All that will happen is the taxes will be raised on people who can barely afford to put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. Parents will have to spend even more time at work and even less time with their children. Budgets will have to be slashed in other areas like defense and education. Yes instead of fixing the economy we make things worse in favor of more government bureaucracy. Way to go America. Way to go.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It is time for a change is time for a change. Our government has failed us. This is not about black presidents or white presidents, republican or democrats. This is about leadership that has ignored the people of this nation in the name of greed. Greed in congress, greed in the white house, and greed on wall street.

We are stuck in a war that we can win, yet the military is not allowed to do what is necessary to do so. Why? Because as long as we are tied up in a middle eastern war, the instability in that region causes the price of oil to remain high. As long as our troops are engaged in combat, defense contractors will continue to profit. We have a health care bill being rammed down our throats that will require us to buy insurance. That equals even bigger profits for insurance companies. You know who's idea this was? A senator who gets most of his political contributions from the insurance companies. Just because you cover bullshit in gold..its still bullshit.

We have school districts discriminating against gay students..not allowing them to go to prom. When the ACLU steps in and asks them to treat them fairly the school says..screw you and cancels prom for everyone. There are people in this nation who can not experience the joys and the benefits of marriage because our government won't do the right thing and pass a marriage equality act. You know why they won't do that? The religious right in this country, bigots and rednecks make large political donations, and to do the right thing will cost them money.

We have an economy that has been in a free fall for years and what does our government do? They throw money at the big corporations and then let them lay off the people who are making 7.50 an hour so the CEO can take home his 12 million dollar bonus. Our economy will never improve if the people do not have money to spend on the goods and services provided by these companies Uncle Sam keeps propping up with our tax dollars.

Yes my friends it is time for a change. Every day more and more of our rights get taken away from us, but it's "for our own good." Right now our founding who rose against tyranny and incompetent leadership are rolling in their graves wondering what happened to this once proud nation.